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Another game jam where the quality level is unbelievable. Very nice job again. 


Thanks Eric!! Another kind, warm, and super sweet and thoughtful comment from an amazingly talented dev. :D Much appreciated and hope things are going well for you!


everything is soo cute! love the relocating feature!


A pretty great quality for a 48H game, had fun trying it out!


That means a lot, thank you!! I'm glad it was a good experience for you! c:


Incredible quality for a mere weekend! Well done.

I noticed you can swap the heroes left and right of the flag, causing the monsters to turn 180 every time. Lucky me!

Awwww, I appreciate the kind comment! ^ㅡ ^

(I did not know that was possible - HAHA, thanks for the tip!)


crazy good art and music :)

Thank you so much! :D